Nico Verduin's website
Engineering services
Ga naar de inhoud
App development
Tennis Coach WVC
3D printing
Fishing Rod Varnishing machine
Microscope Holder
Practical application: Fingerpen
Replacement gliders for a screen door
Practical case: knob for fishing stand
Coil Winding machine for small transformers and coils
3D Printer construction
LoRa adapter for SX1276
Playing with the ESP8266
Powerfull servo using windshield wiper motor
LED-Button Shield
0.25W pencil tube Fender Princeton style amp
Old Verduin Electronics site
STM32 programming tips
Getting printf to work
Embedded projects
Using UML for integrated Arduino (or other embedded) development
Code Generator for Nextion Screens
Nice little Nextion Screens
PCA9555 I2C IO Expander using standard Arduino functions
Installing the ESP8266 SDK under Ubuntu 14.04 and Windows and Eclipse
Create your own AT commands on the ESP8266
Cube Project
High Voltage Fuse Resetter
Collecting data from remote sensors over the internet
Truth table Engine for Arduino
Automated Testing on Arduino
Precision meter for a coilwinding machine
Guitar Tube Amplifiers
Blonde Deluxe Reverb
Build a Twin Reverb cabinet
Champ 5C1/5F1
Marshall 18W built from all kinds of scratch parts
Contact us
About me
LoRa adapter for SX1276
soldered board
Nico Verduin
4 juni 2016
Volledige grootte is
2448 × 2448
wrong tantal elco
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